Book parking
Here's how it works:
This is a booking for an arrival slot - you're welcome to stay as long as you like once you're in! ​​
We cannot guarantee parking for any vehicles that have not pre-booked. To avoid those disappointed little faces on the day, we strongly recommend you make a booking prior to visiting.
We will be hosting Autism Friendly Hour at 9-10am on Sunday 20th, Thursday 24th and Tuesday 29th. If you'd like to book this, please e-mail info@rothewickpatch.com as these sessions cannot be booked directly on our website. We ask that only those who require this session contact us so everyone can have an enjoyable and inclusive experience at the Patch.
A few Ts & Cs​
Rebooking: You may move your booking to any available slot yourself at any time for no extra fee. Note that we do fill up quickly and popular times (weekends) sell out quickly.
Cancellations: There will only be refunds where The Rotherwick Patch has been forced to close, for example due to extreme weather events.
The Rotherwick Patch does not support parking in any other location other than on-site.
Parking in Rotherwick village is strongly discouraged for safety and traffic flow reasons.
Our full Terms and Conditions can be accessed here